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Another Aloalo Island


Pastebin Summary

Boss 1 - Ketuduke

TR North HM South

Spring Crystals: Bubbles start on their side

Blowing Bubbles:

Adds: TR N cw/HM W ccw, melees swap, color match Angry Seas: HM W/TR E, Supp north for spreads, HR take bubble across, TM take middle tower, KB resist if stack first

Adding 2 plans for Bubbles and Adds that go a little more in detail (strats are the same):

Additional Info

Spring Crystals: TR North/HM South, bubbles start in 2s, roots start in 2 for spread and 1 for stack. START on your side N/S (bubble gets pushed to the opposite side)

  • To identify safe spots: Find the crystal in the middle and make an H using it, looking at the long side.
  • The 4 ends of the H are your safe squares.

Blowing Bubbles: TR North/HM South, stay within your half of the room for the whole mech

  • Stack > Spread - Start middle, dodge to a safe corner for stack, ranged stays for spread, melee runs far.
  • Spread > Stack - Start in the two safe squares on your half of the room, pre-position in the quadrant you want. (raidplan for visuals, slides 6/7 are mislabeled should be stack->spread, PF uses the uptime stack/spread on slides 5/6)

Strewn Bubbles: TR North/HM South

Adds: Snake prio and color match add to safe spot, TR N cw/HM W ccw, TM swap if duplicate bubble/root in pair

Angry Seas: HM W/TR E, Supp north for spreads, ranged take bubble across, melee take middle tower.

  • If stack first, use KB resist for melee uptime.


Second Adds -

Boss 2 - Lala

All strats: Surge uptime melee positioning:

Additional Info

Individual strat pics:

Boss 3 - Statice

Dartboard 1: H green, T blue, DPS red - Melee flex

Present Box 1 (downtime mech):

Dartboard 2:

Presents 2: If stack second, stack middle if safe or center of the largest safe spot.

Additional Info

Dartboard 1: Healer on green, Tank on blue, DPS on red - Melee flex if both DPS have a dart

Present Box 1 (downtime mech): The tip of the safe triangle is the new north. There are 2 patterns to look out for. Note that the chains need to start middle as the proximity break is vicious.

  • Stacked triangles: Enum N, Chains E/W opposite your rocket
  • Overlapping triangles: Both of the below are THE SAME STRAT, just 2 different ways to find the safe spots
  • Bomb/donut overlap - Chains approx N/S (will be rotated slightly), Enums S towards the intercard opposite the bomb on the donut overlap.
  • Color match - Place waymarks on the intercards (purple NW/SE, yellow NE/SW). Chains will break N/S on the color waymark closest to rel N. Enums will stack south on the opposite color waymark.
  • Bomb patterns -

Dartboard 2:

  1. Identify the color the orb is on.
  2. Look for the line AoE starting on the 2 colors along the outer ring of the arena not covered by the orb. This is the new north.
  3. Pre-position slightly E/W (DPS W and Supp E). Check if you and your role partner have darts.
  4. Chains spread E/W (DPS W and Supp E). If you have a dart, take a step south.
  5. Enums go north leaning slightly E/W. If both you and your role partner have darts, flex to the other side.

Present Box 2: Order of mechanics resolving is:

Stack/spread > Forced March 1 + Pizza slice > Forced March 2 + Bombs + Spread/stack
  1. 1st forced marches resolve right before pizza slice resolves.
  2. 2nd forced marches resolve right before bombs + stack/spread resolve.